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Retire Early: Do These 7 Things to Retire the Earliest


Money is a narcotic. People would believe anything to acquire what they want, for some its retirement, and for others its money. The film “The Lost Leonardo” is an excellent example. A random painting discovered in America is purchased for around $1000.


A restorer conducts more investigation and excitedly asserts that it is a missing Leonardo da Vinci painting. The current price is in the millions. Later, a renowned art gallery asks five art critics to determine whether or not it is a Leonardo.

They concur it is. Hence, the gallery labels the picture “By Leonardo da Vinci.” The artwork is subsequently resold shortly thereafter for $127.5 million. The owner chooses to sell the picture as its reputation continues to grow.


Sotheby’s will sell the painting for a record-breaking $400 million at auction. It seems improbable that this artwork was created by Leonardo. Even if it is, the majority of the present image does not match the original sketch. Restaurateurs have mutilated it.


To earn enough money to retire early, one must comprehend the world’s incentives. You must recognize that everyone is selling something and has a story to do so. If you stop falling for disguised incentives, you will be taken advantage of less frequently. This will tenfold simplify retirement. And avoiding these six more actions will also be of great assistance.

Quit considering retirement an age. Society has conditioned us to associate retirement with a set age, often 65. To retire early, this definition must be blown out of the water.


Early retirement is a lifestyle. This lifestyle is not supported by an employment or a generous government based on a nonexistent utopian egalitarian illusion. No.


Investments fund retirement. There are two variations:

Financial assets, including stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies, real estate, gold and silver, etc.
Books, courses, YouTube channels, evergreen social media material, and other digital assets.

If you have no assets, your retirement age will be 65. (at best). Due to taxes, currency depreciation, and inflation, it is unlikely that complete retirement would ever be possible. “You’re welcome,” international leaders’ grandfathers remark.

Quit pursuing the incorrect retirement objective.


The ambition of most individuals is to reach 65 and then retire. It’s a weird concept when you break it down. So you work like a dog when you’re young and then relax when your body is ruined and your energy is 80% lower? That makes no sense.

Nevertheless, if you’ve picked the correct job, employment may be enjoyable.


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Coming to work to joke around with coworkers is a dream come true. Why did you wish to shoot that happiness?

The right retirement objective is to retire from a job you despise as soon as feasible so you may move to a job you like. It is to perform job without worrying about compensation. How?


When assets provide the bulk of a person’s income, it is no longer required to get paid by the hour or to charge everyone you meet a fee in order to pay for housing and food. Ridiculous, in fact. Retirement is not a certain age. It is a choice of labor that is not reliant on compensation.


Quit believing that two weeks of vacation each year is sufficient (it’s four weeks in Australia). Well, it’s not enough.

We need time to relax and refresh our thinking, or else the quality of our job will plummet and inner Karen will emerge.

No surprise we have an epidemic of burnout.


Individuals are working lengthy shifts that feel like reliving the same day over and over again.

You will lack the drive and mentality to fix the underlying financial issue until you become enraged by the fact that you will receive two weeks of vacation each year until age 65.


Avoid using the phrase “I can’t afford that.”
How you pose questions influences your destiny.

“How can I accomplish it if I don’t have the money?”


How am I able to afford it?

The solution to financial issues is to earn more money, not to reduce spending and attempt to save pennies on the dollar.

Inflation and taxes ensure that you will never advance if you continue to focus on saving rather than earning money.

Fixed Income = Mentality

“Avoid sacrificing the now for an illusory future”

This is the difficulty with retiring.


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It consumes your youth for a maybe unattainable future vision. What if disease consumes your brain, steals your life, and offers you a YouTube funeral like my 33-year-old buddy did in 2020?

My wife once asked me, “What are your plans?” To create the scene, we were in an Australian rowboat in the middle of a tiny river. This river is renowned for the 150mph speedboats that go up it all day.

The boat rental firm deposited our vessel into the river and pushed us to the center.


When speedboats passed us and nearly smashed our small rowboat, my wife refused to row and repeatedly asked, “What’s your plan?” I rowed as quickly as I could to get our boat across the river before a speedboat smashed us like insects. We endured. Just.

Quit living for the future. Concentrate on the present.

What irks me is that society has built the concept of retirement in a way that pushes the typical individual to postpone their ambitions. Workplace incentives are a wonderful complement for this nightmare.

So you shouldn’t put your aspirations on hold.

You should live them immediately. Every darn day.

Avoid assuming “early retirement requires privilege”
My role is to deliver harsh realities, not to sugarcoat facts and claim that life would be simple if only a government implemented universal basic income.

To make the kind of money that will allow you to retire from menial labor, you must cease delegating responsibility to mystical third parties.

It is referred to as personal responsibility.

No matter your difficulties, that is acceptable. We all have them. The question is what will be done about them.

You possess the ability to change. And the ability to create anything you choose. After seeing this reality, it is difficult not to find out how to retire early.

Reminder: no one will come to your rescue.

What Harvard’s peculiar research reveals about retirement
The lifestyle expert Khe Hy provided some noteworthy Harvard findings. The researchers surveyed retirees about their favorite aspect of retirement.


    • No meetings – No commuting – The opportunity to follow a passion

These are all features of working remotely. It implies you do not have to retire to enjoy what retirees consider the finest part. A competent remote work with a nice supervisor can make you feel like you’re already retired.

A feasible approach for retiring early during the next five years
Let’s conclude by discussing what you can actually do to retire early.

The traditional path to retirement consisted of going to school, getting high grades, incurring six figures in debt to get a (largely worthless) degree, working a job you loathe, retiring at 65, and starting to live.

Build a new skill set, utilize it to launch an internet business, and then earn enough money to stop doing menial labor and work from wherever, whenever you want.

The finest inflation hedge in the world is a highly coveted ability that provides leverage. — Jack Raines

There are hundreds of other methods to retire early, but this one requires the least expertise and intelligence.

It is irrelevant if you decide to make money online or invest in financial assets. That depends on whether you feel the existing retirement paradigm is flawed and needs to be rethought.

Once this shift occurs in your brain, the rest is inevitable. You will not wait till age 65 and have ten years left to live. No. You will learn strategies to live currently without being in a financial bind.

Early retirement is a state of mind. It is a branch of psychology. Accept it to get liberty.

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