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5 Reasons Why You Should Not Follow Successful Peoples’ Habits

Why You Should Not Follow Successful Peoples’ Habits - Explained

The Cosmic Algorithm

No matter what you do, your limits are bound by an unknown force that keeps you in check. What you will achieve in life is tightly scripted through a cosmic algorithm, we call ‘Destiny’. This algorithm makes sure you achieve only what you are destined to, nothing more and nothing less. Beyond that, no matter what you do, you cannot reach any further in life. Therefore, we will talk about the reasons why you should not follow successful peoples’ habits, but before we do that, lets understand destiny and God from a different perspective.


The Cosmic Balance

There is an unknown cosmic force that balances everything. If you are physically good looking, for example, then your chances of succeeding at everything you do increase manyfold. To counter this, you will find yourself hopelessly bad at something else that neutralizes your physical attraction. By the way, physical abilities, mental abilities, or any other kind of abilities you are endowed with, are not your own actually!! They are provided to you to let you achieve the purpose of your creation & existence, and as a fail-safe mechanism, they are carefully balanced with equal amounts of weaknesses in some or the other form to keep you from taking over those forces.


The Definition of God

This brings us to a vague conclusion that the entity we see as God, may not be The Holy God actually. Rather, a very indifferent, emotionless, and an intelligent superpower which controls all us for some purpose. The motive behind creating, keeping, and destroying us is unclear, though it is clear that we have a purpose for our creation. The motive of that unknown force behind the creation and existence of all of us could even be evil, who knows!!


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Who’s In charge – Destiny or Action?

Can we impact our lives with our deeds? I do not know; I do not even know if we do those deeds ourselves or are we programmed to do them? There are some people who are created only to give to this world and then there are people who have a life full of success and luxury. Both types of people are serving a purpose. Take for example, two startups. One of them goes by the book and does everything that is considered right but still fails. Then there is another one that does not follow the norms, still succeeds and people say, ‘the founders were innovative and that is why they succeeded’. If they would have failed, people would have said they were not running their business properly and were bound to fail. Take another example, pick up any marketing book and you find these books are just like history books, replete with the strategies that were adopted by the companies who succeeded. Those strategies, however, do not always work for other companies. Why? Because it is not that successful companies were doing something right and the unsuccessful ones something wrong, it is just that some companies were destined to succeed and the others to fail, both to serve a purpose eventually. I can reinforce my point with yet another example. We try to replicate habits of successful people. Founders, CEOs, Heads of States etc. How many of them succeeded in their second ventures or subsequent engagements? I have not heard of an ex-President succeeding at anything else after or before their presidencies.


Why You Should Not Follow Successful Peoples’ Habits

If successful people in the world had such good habits and characteristics. why did they not succeed at whatever they did? Steve Jobs only succeeded at Apple, all his other ventures were either failures or achieved mediocrity, at the most. So, it is not the habits or characteristics of successful people that make them successful, instead, they were mandated to create something big by the almighty creator and for them to accomplish the task, everything was designed to fall in place for them. Many such successful creators fell into oblivion after their task was accomplished.


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Successful people succeed not because of their habits or characteristics, they succeed because they were destined to succeed so that they could serve some purpose of the almighty. Therefore, you should not follow the habits of successful people. Those habits made them successful only in their context and are not universal guarantees of success. The same good habits did not make them successful in their subsequent ventures, as I already mentioned. The question remains – do we really control our destiny, the answer according to me is NO. Neither do we control our destiny, nor do we control our actions. We simply are biological robots, created to serve a purpose and then destroyed.


Seek light and create your own pathway, rather than live in someone’s shadow!!

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